A dry mortar plant basically consists of a system of silos for the collection of raw materials (aggregates, cement, lime, additives etc.) which are dosed and carried to a mixer, where it finally gets the exact composition of the required mortar. Once it is prepared, dry mortar is available for bagging, temporary silo storage or loading directly into a tanker truck to be transported. Apollo is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Dry Mix Mortar in 5 TPH, 1 0 TPH, 15 TPH, 20TPH, 25 TPH & and 30 TPH capacity dry mix mortar plants in India.
Advantages of Dry Mix Mortar Plant by Leading Manufacturer & Supplier in India
- Reduction of manufacturing and indirect costs, labour and auxiliary equipment
- Comprehensive control of components and reception at the factory (cements, Aggregates, additives, etc.)
- Decrease in the work space dedicated to collection and materials sectoring
- Protection of Material against external agents
- Keep area clean by avoiding volatility of powders, aggregates etc.
- The use of premixed dry mortars not only significantly increases product performance but also guarantees a high degree of application reliability and consistency
- Factory premixed dry mortars ensure binders, fillers and chemical additives of known quality are blended exactly in the same ratio thus ensuring high degree of product performance and consistency
- Absence of waste, each moment is produced what is to be consumed
- Reduce management work and order entry (cement, aggregates, additives etc.)
- Immediate manufacturing, simple and automated
- Do not requires retardant neither additional additives to keep mortar workable, all this due its instant manufacturing
- Possibility to include colour in the material
- High durability product